Legal Notice


The head office : SAS SEDA

Adresse : 32 Chemin du Violet 38590 Saint-Étienne-de-Saint-Geoirs – France

to the capital of 70 586€

RCS 984 994 236


OVH – Société à Responsabilité Limitée (SARL)

SIRET : 424 761 419 00011

Adress : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

Site designs :

The site presents:

Informative content

Information technology and freedom law:

The site is exempt from reporting to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) as it does not collect any data concerning users.

Property: The site and the information it contains are protected by French law on intellectual property and by international conventions.

Any use, reproduction, distribution, marketing, modification of all or part of this site, without authorization from the Publisher is prohibited and may result in legal actions and proceedings as provided for in particular by the Intellectual Property Code and the Civil Code.

The User is informed that during his visits to the site, a cookie may be automatically installed on his browser software.

A cookie is an element which does not identify the User but is used to record information relating to their navigation on the website. The User can deactivate this cookie using the settings in their browser software.

More information on the page relating to cookies: Cookie policies

After contacting Customer Service and in the absence of a satisfactory response within 60 days, In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code, the customer has the right to use the mediation service offered by our hotel free of charge. The consumer mediator thus proposed is the AME.

It can be entered:

– by Internet:;

– or by post (by completing the form made available on the website): Consumer mediation AME- 197 Boulevard Saint-Germain – 75007 PARIS »

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